AGM 23/11/2017


Will be held at St. Barnabas Village Hall on Thursday 23rd November 2017 at 7.30pm

A glass of wine or soft drink will be available on arrival


  1. Apologies for absence from the meeting.
  2. Declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday 6th December 2016.
  4. Matters arising from the Minutes not covered by the Agenda.
  5. Election of Committee. If you would like to stand, please let me have a note of your name for inclusion in the process.
  6. Quietway 7 – decision to go ahead taken, but a call-in by Councillors refused, redesign of the Village Junction, loss of priority for Court Lane, three lanes funnelled into two, traffic displacement and possible             serious congestion and air pollution at peak times.
  7. A further Quietway announced to run from Peckham, up Barry Road crossing Lordship Lane by DulwichLibrary and down Court Lane to join Quietway 7 at the junction with Dulwich Village.
  8. SG Smith development.
  9. Double yellow lines on all corners.
  10. Controlled Parking Zones.
  11. Foundation Schools Coaches Survey.
  12. The newly-formed Dulwich Forum, an umbrella group of local RA’s.
  13. The COLAR website.
  14. Any other matters members see fit to bring up for discussion.
  15. Date of the next AGM –  December 2018 (tba).

If you would like to raise any points for discussion to be included on the Agenda, please let me know.

I would encourage as many people as possible to attend because currently, there are critical issues affecting us all.


Ian Rankine, Chairman                                            

Members will be asked to let the committee know their views on any of these matters, along with any solutions or courses of action they may want to suggest.

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